Be a TEDx Speaker


Share your ideas with the world

TEDx occupies a world stage and can transform ideas into real impact. Becoming a TEDx speaker is an amazing opportunity to share your passion and be a potential catalyst for change in someone’s life.

Our 2024 theme: It’s up to us

What does this theme mean? Well, it’s whatever it means to you. Your TEDx talk is your personal interpretation of the theme, and while it’s nice if your topic fits nicely into that theme—it’s not always necessary. If you’ve got a great idea, don’t force it to fit “It’s up to us,” it won’t impact our decision negatively.

Speaker applications now closed

Thank you for your interest in being a speaker at TEDxVictoria 2024! Please read through these housekeeping notes to make sure you qualify if you plan to apply next year.

To qualify:

You are submitting the application for yourself.

We don’t accept applications on your behalf from PR firms or personal assistants.

You haven't given this talk at a TEDx event before.

Even if it was a long time ago, it still counts.

You are free

May 15th, 2024.

TEDxVictoria is a full-day event.

What we're not looking for:

Your idea is backed by questionable science.

Credibility is key.

Your talk has a religious or political agenda.

Neutrality is the goal.

Your topic is too broad.

For example, “How to be more environmentally-friendly."

Niche ideas that will only appeal to a very specific audience.

For example, new research that would only appeal to people who work in dentistry.

You’re using the TEDx platform to promote a product or service

Even if you’re being subtle.

Examples of a great talk:

The best TEDx talks combine three elements: expertise, passion, and an idea that has real value to the audience.


Do schools kill creativity?


Sir Ken Robinson

Big idea:

Schools undermine creativity instead of nurturing it because of too much focus on standardized testing.

Watch Now


My stroke of insight


Jill Bolte Taylor

Big idea:

Jill recounts the effects of a stroke on her brain and suggests how we can choose to replace our stress with feelings of joy.


The thrilling potential of sixth sense technology


Pranav Mistry

Big idea:

Technology exists to bridge the gap between the digital and physical world.

Thank you so much for your interest in speaking at TEDxVictoria.

Our application closed February 29, 2024.